Jai Jinendra

ये ब्लॉग एक कोशिश है की जैनिज़्म के मूल सिद्धांतो को सब जैनो तक पहुंचाया जाये 

हम आप सब के साथ और सहकर की अपेक्षा करते है 

इस ब्लॉग में रोज़ हमारे धर्म की कही बातेँ  प्रकाशित की जाएगी 

दुनिया के सबसे प्राचीन धर्म जैन धर्म को श्रमणों का धर्म कहा जाता है।

तो आइये हमारे धर्म क कुछ मूल भुत सत्य जाने 

                         Navakär Mantra  

Namo Arihantänam : I bow down to the Arihantas (To defeat my inner enemies)

Namo Siddhänam ; I bow down to the Siddhas (To attain liberation)

Namo Äyariyänam ; I bow down to the Ächäryas (To control my desires)

Namo Uvajjhäyänam ; I bow to the Upädhyäys (To learn and meditate)

Namo Loe Savvasähunam ; I bow down to all Sädhus and Sädhvis (To lead a simple life) 

Eso Pancha Namukkäro ; I bow down to all five supreme beings 

Savva Päva Ppanäsano ; Which destroy all my sins

Mangalänancha Savvesim ; Amongst all that is holy, 

Padhamam Havai Mangalam ; Navakär Mantra is the holiest.


                             जैनिज़्म के मूल

Non violence (अहिंसा ) 

Non absolutism ( अनेकांतवाद )

Non possesiveness (अपरिग्रह )

   हम सब जानते है क हमारे धर्म में क्या ख़ास है , पर कुछ महँ लोग ऐसे भी है जिन्होंने जैनिज़्म क बारे में कही ऐसी बातें कही जिसे सब  जैन कहलाने में गर्व महसूस करेंगे 


"I adore so greatly the principles of the Jain religion, that I would like to be reborn in a Jain community." 

- George Bernard Shaw

"I am not Rama. I have no desire for material things. Like Jina I want to establish peace within myself."

 - Yoga Vasishta, Chapter 15, Sloka 8 the saying of Rama

There is nothing wonderful in my saying that Jainism was in existence long before the Vedas were composed." 

- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Vice-President, India

"We learn from scriptures (Sashtras) and commentaries that Jainism is existing from beginningless time. This fact is indisputable and free from difference of opinion. There is much historical evidence on this point."

- Lokamanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak

"Jainism is of a very high order. Its important teachings are based upon science. The more the scientific knowledge advances the more that Jain teachings will be proven."

L. P. Tessetori, Italy

"The Jains have written great masterpieces only for the benefit of the world."

 - Dr. Hertel, Germany

हमारे अगले पोस्ट में हम हमारे धर्म क सारे चित्र और प्रतीक का अर्थ बताएँगे 

As I am just writing this by reference from different sources there are bound to be some errors in this post. Please feel free to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to us via the comment section we will get back to you

जय जिनेन्द्र 

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